Dec 2016 Weeding Day
The first weeding day was held last Sunday (4th December). Thank you to all who attended: despite the glaring heat and the mass amounts to pull out our volunteers worked steadily through to lunchtime and beyond.
On Sunday we focused on Wandering Jew/Tradescantia as the reserve was (and still is) blanketed with it everywhere. We split into two groups of around eight people each and were able to clear a decent amount. As well as this, a few choice weeds individually removed, such one huge moth plant on the edge of the reserve (fortunately with no pods), arum lillies, and deadly nightshade.
However, weeding is a constant job that can range from Wandering Jew/Tradescantia and arum lillies, to backyard plants that have been dumped, to huge exotic trees like wattles and privet.
Next year another weeding day will be held in Autumn for the weeds that we missed, and to have another go at the dreaded Wandering Jew/Tradescantia.
A HUGE thank you to Steve Cook! The weeding day was made far easier by him being there and showing us how to handle the weeds in the reserve, and we can't wait to work with him next weeding day.